Steven Law Office
Dedicated to landlord tenant relations
Spokane Area Lawyer Providing Landlords With Experienced Legal Service
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- Local: 509-325-8777
- Fax: 509-444-1111
My firm provides same or next day service.
Download Eviction Forms and Notices from our library.

Steven Law Office
1319 W. Dean Avenue,
Spokane, WA 99201
Map & directions
Phone: 509-325-8777
Fax: 509-444-1111
Steven Law Office provides experienced legal representation to landlords in Spokane, Cheney, Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, Ellensburg, Grand Coulee, Yakima, Kennewick, Moses Lake, Pasco, Pullman, Richland, Sunnyside, Walla Walla, Spokane County, Yakima County, Chelan County, Kittitas County, Grant County, Benton County, Franklin County, Walla Walla County, Whitman County Washington and all other counties east of the Cascade Mountains.